18:55 Yoshi 1 Comments

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ATTENTION ATTENTION. New things are coming!
I'm in half way to finish my friend's outfit I've mentioned in previous post. I didn't expect it to be such fun to make :)

The other glove. In each element of the costume I have to remember about the possible conditions - the heat, sun and rapid moves. The RPG will be in summer. That's why this one can barely be called a glove. Not much is left of it. :D At first it was supposed to be long, until elbow with case for a knife, but it would reduce moves. Not a very good idea for an armor of a warrior so I'll make it as two separated parts.

Next - kneeboard. Sorry for the loose ends, but I had to leave them so I can later adjust it to my friend's knee. I'm happy that's it's working and it's not hurting while bending leg. Looks pretty badass at life ;D
As you can see on the previous photo, I couldn't make it without spilled my own blood. Mounting studs is dangerous thing!

Aaaand... the lock I bought a few days ago in Łódź (my lovely family city) for a bag I'm going to make. I love how you can change it's character. It can be a steampunk lock or padlock-like. I'm so excited! I can't wait for finishing it already. :D


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22:54 Yoshi 0 Comments

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From the oldies: the secound dress I've made, my personal favourite and in the same time, profile picture. Also, far from the original project, but I already got used to it. Each one comes out completly different from the drawings I make before getting started. It has it's charm. Something like an element of suprise :D
There's only one picture and I would like to explain quickly why - the front of it is simple and classy. It's the back you should focus one. It's the back which was the FREAKING PROBLEMATIC.
But I still love it. Doesn't matter what I would say ;)


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19:23 Yoshi 0 Comments

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The easiest thing to make to give your wardrobe something handmade - a painted t-shirt.
There are plenty of DIY videos on youtube so you can see with your own eyes it's not difficult at all. And once you make your t-shirt, you'll find out that there are no borders! Freestyle is highly recommended! Show your intrests and talents on simple piece of cotton (with addition of elastane, if needed).

Pure fun.

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21:32 Yoshi 0 Comments

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19:02 Yoshi 0 Comments

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First dress I made. It's not perfect, I can hardly say it's good. A lot of complications appeared meanwhile sewing so the final product is far, FAR from original design.

I fell in love with this orange cotton fabric at first sight. And though I'm not a very big fan of bright, crazy colours, I'm quite satisfied how it looks with black.

It was inspired by dress in 'Pattern Magic' by Tomoko Nakamichi, amazing japanese designer. She showed me things I've never imagined are possible to make. For sure I'll try her ideas in my future designes.

These are just some of her patterns. Check out more of them!

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19:23 Yoshi 1 Comments

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Hello everyone!

Here comes my first handmade accessory. Well... It's more like make-over of my old leather glove, but still.

It wasn't that hard to make. It took me around 20 min (believe me, it's not THAT long, sewing takes usually few days + at least a day for shopping). It wasn't expensive either. In fact, each one of you can make it, even if you don't have a sewing machine at home. The only thing you might have to buy are pincers to jewelry.

I love how it turned out in a rock-y style. Right now, I'm in love with punk, rock and everything related to leather and spikes. You'll see a lot of them in my next designes ;)


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