12:39 Yoshi 2 Comments

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        I've mentioned before that I'm working on my Halloween costume, but now finally came time to show it to the world!

     So here it is. My Little Sister from Bioshock.
     I know, it looks a little bit like Alice because of teddy bear, but, honestly, I don't mind. Both are awsome.
      Making it took me several days, mainly because of school. I could work only on the afternoons. Even though I made it from dyed sheet, I'm crazy happy about how it turned out.

       I just simply love Halloween. :)

As always, let me know what you think in comments!

cheers, honey-bears!

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Note to myself #4

21:54 Yoshi 0 Comments

 I'm so sorry that I haven't posted anything recently, but between lessons, trying to fix my lap and fighting my parents there's huge black hole, eating my whole free time. But as soon as I felt that Halloween is coming (which I'm going to spend in London and I simply can't describe how happy I am about it), I pulled myself together and touched sewing machine again.

          I'm making my costume literally out of nothing. I'm using a bedsheet as a fabric.
(Really, how oldschool is that?) 
and four cute buttons. Still, I have a  feeling that it'll be amazing.

           I'm going to post some picture next time, I promise!

Take care!


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Note to myself #3

20:56 Yoshi 1 Comments

  I have small suprise for you guys. After almost 3 months of trying (yes, that's what I've been doing for all this time) to get into tattoing circle I MADE IT! <3 Well, let's say I'm half way but still happy.

      I got sort of contract with one of the best tattoo studios in Warsaw which will help me (for now) with getting good quality equipment and show how to use it. Then a year of learning the basics on my own lies ahead. Probably a very hard work, but I'm too determined to be scared by something like this.

      I promise you I will update you with my progress (afterall, 'addicted to the needle' is still appropriate ;)). Prepare for really lame beginning, but have faith in me :)

Pretty please? :D

cheers guys!
let me know what you think about it ;)

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18:02 Yoshi 0 Comments

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While today's cleaning my room, I found not-that-old-but-still-forgotten-THING. I don't even know how to call it.
        I made it as a part of my cosplay costume. It's a part of Auror's outfit, which is basically made for holding elixirs nearby a hand. It has already been worn and I must say it's surprisingly comfortable. Although I had it on me only once and it wasn't the time I made it for (meaning - LARPG which I host so I HAVE TO have badass costume ;D).
       I didn't take a lot of time to make. The only delay I had was for buying a missing buckle and still, it only took one day.  Not bad, huh?

       I'm back in the game! I made today 3 t-shirts (DAMN!) and they are already out for sale!
Check it HERE.     

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ATD goes on facebook!

19:56 Yoshi 0 Comments

            In first words, I'll say that I haven't made absolutely nothing in this whole time. I'm sorry. Not like I'm-apologising-to-you, more like I-pity-myself-that-I'm-so-lazy. 

            BUT, I didn't start this post with intention to talk about nothing. I started a page on facebook, something like a online shop where you can buy my t-shirts (I'm also planning to make some jewellery-stuff so stay focus!). The page is pretty blank now (I'm lying and dying, because I'm sick again and also school started so I don't have so much free time that I used to :<) but I promise it will change soon (at least I hope so...). I also must warn that it will be in Polish (I really don't think that there any english speaking viewer here, but just in case (and my english practising ;)), I'll keep blogging this way), but if you want to order a t-shirt (even if it's you're own project) and you're not from Poland, there's absolutely no problem in messaging me in english!

So here's the adress of the page, I hope to see you there, but don't forget to check this blog for updates! ;)

            Cheers, bunnies!

P.S. Check out my deviantart for more of my works, not fashion-related

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Note to myself #2

20:44 Yoshi 1 Comments

I'm here just to tell you guys that i'm shitting rainbow right now and I can't wait till I start to make my ideas come true.
They're going to be legendary.
And for sale ;) 
Cheers from Romania

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Note to myself #1

21:04 Yoshi 1 Comments

I'm reaaaally close to sell some of my stuff. I have a few ideas in my head that aren't difficult to make and will look badass. :D Now I'm just waiting for my fabrics etc. to come and I can start.

Look, I know it's pretty slow now on this blog, but nargles messed up my computer and I had to reinstall the OS. I lost all the pics of oldies. :<

Also, I'm leaving soon and I'm afraid I won't have internet. OK, I'm not afraid. I'm lumping happy about it!


Florence and the Machine- Blinding
[I'm obsessed with her. Her music is magical]

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Let's talk about t-shirts 2 [XII]

22:14 Yoshi 0 Comments

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I)   Yep, again this one. Let's say it's a close up.
Alexander McQueen was basically the only designer I knew and loved each and every collection he made. (to be clear - BEFORE he died.)
Idea isn't mine, only project is. The first t-shirt made in new way, without stencil.

II)   My tribute for Kat von D, excellent tattoo artist. My favourite.
OK, I'M OBSESSED WITH HER! Kat's works are just unbelieveble. Pieces of art on skins. She makes me want to become tattoo artist as well, even though it's highly unlikely to happen.
Picture was found somewhere in the depths of the Internet.

III)   Aaand, my today's work - another Doctor Who!
I found this pic on tumblr and in the same second decided I will put it on my t-shirt.
While making it, I started to think if David Tennant would like it (don't say anything. just... do NOT.). 'how awsome would it be to see him in mine stuff walking across a street or whatever, caught in a picture by some nasty paparazzi. damn, I would be so proud!'.
You can laugh at me, but I'm seriously thinking about making one and sending it with a letter to him. I mean, each actor recives lots of letters from fans and their office or whatever-it-is replies simply with an autograph. Why not try?

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15:00 Yoshi 0 Comments

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Making collars - second try.

I officially qualify collars into category 'pain in the ass'.

Nothing else to say~

...but have I ever told you how painful mounting studs can be? REALLY painful. :<


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Let's talk about t-shirts [X]

17:44 Yoshi 1 Comments

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Finally a title!

A few people know that I started my adventure with designing clothes with simple t-shirts. I'm doing this for a 4 years now (JESUS! O.O).

Brace yourself. Long post is coming.
[I will start with the oldest; descriptions go for each picture starting from left]

I)   It's the second t-shirt I made (first is probably given away already. Why? only two words - MY MOM). It's not pretty, back isn't very well designed, but I have a bit sentiment for it. I have no idea why. It's probably the same reason I won't throw away my old teddy bears. I started cutting my clothes from t-shirts (oh, dear Kat von D's tutorial, I still remember you, word by word...), I was learning how to do it properly on them and, damn, they are somehow part of my portfolio!
This one stayes with me!

II)   The thing I like about t-shirts is how much you can say through them. Sometimes you can 'wink' to your friends, give them an inside joke - like this one...

III)   ... play with people minds...
[Actually, I came up with this project while I was fighting this annoying advertisement testing your brain with circles and squars etc. Apparently, you can find inspiration literally EVERYWHERE]

IV)  ... make people smile...
[when you're 1.80 tall and call yourself 'a hobbit']

V)   ... and, my favourite, show your interests. It's priceless when you see a person in subway, reading your t-shirt and then smiling. You smile back and suddenly feel bond with this stranger. Magical. Even if he or she later walk away.
I think I don't need to explain much under this t-shirt. Doctor who. 10th doctor played by amazing, one and only, David Tennant. <3

VI)   This one is a little experiment. As all t-shirts above and under this one are painted, this one is PRINTED. The only work I did here was designing the logo which you can find here.
If you still don't know what it is about, here's a little help.
There was only one person who knew what Holyhead Harpies were, only one in my school. As soon as th guy asked 'is it a quidditch team' I wanted to give him a suprise hug. It's really rare to meet people who read and actually PAY ATTENTION what they read. I wish I could meet more of them.

VII)   What time is it?
          ADVENTURE TIME!...

VIII)   ...Cartoon I'm obsessed with lately. It's so weird and inappropriate for kids that you start to wonder how is it possible that they let something like this play on cartoon network. Sometimes it really freaks me out...
            I just love it. <3
[the design of blue t-shirt isn't mine. I googled it ^^]

IX)  Not much to say here. I made the text without sample, cutting was wild and crazy... I just love this one. It's so... ME.

In the end, I wanted to thank my sweet model, Donna, who was my dear companion for a year now. :)


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20:16 Yoshi 0 Comments

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SO, sorry I wasn't posting for so long, but there were many places I needed to be and many things needed to be done. And many TV shows to be watched. Especially Adventure Time. I'm absolutely crazy about it. It's more like obsession. I already made two t-shirts with Finn and Jake. I think it's time to see the Doctor. [if you know what I mean]
ANYWAY. Have you seen trailer of this new disney animation? 'Brave', the one about red-haired girl from Scotland? Yes, we are going into that climates.

Lately, I was all the time like 'geez, maybe it's time to make something different, not a dress AGAIN' and I ended up with this project. I have only one thing to say - mama has never been so proud of any of her children so far. <3 But first things first - what does 'Brave' to do with this project. Obviously - the fabric. Believe it or not, but it was quite a problem to get it. All textils in tartan were made of cotton, WARM cotton. Absolutely not for summer. This one is also with cotton, but only in few procents. Mostly it's some synthetic stuff. In effect, it's really nice to wear, even if it's warm. Maybe what's not that obvious, it's not a dress. It has 15cm long legs, so I can sit in whatever way I want. Priceless.
And it has straps. Invisible because transparent. I can jump, dance without any chance that jumpsuit will fall.
All that girl - fighter needs.

And it's uber-cute! I can't wait for summer!
And I bet you can't either :)

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20:08 Yoshi 2 Comments

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I'm sorry. I'm so sorry but I'm in no condition of writing a post. Today only pictures.
I'm going back to sewing until passing out.

Only dress is made by me. On left and middle pic, you can see my grandma's bag. Right - new bag I'm crazy about.

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21:58 Yoshi 0 Comments

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Next time I'll have odea to use elements made of hauberk, I give you official permision to hit me in the head and call 'IDIOT'. Seriously, in my whole life I haven't done anything so troublesome. To people who make their own armors- my respect.
The whole thing is made by myself - even this tiny circles. TROUBLESOME. and painful. Because of modeling the wire into circles, my hands hurt badly and I can't really work with hard materials. AgrrrrrR!
[the last picture showes how bracelet acts when your hand is down]

Yes, I'm deeply in love with Doctor Who, especially the Tenth. David Tennant is simply the best.
For a long time I've been wondering if I should try the galaxy pattern. It's not so simple to do it, but I guess it's just me - taking challenges recklessly. Here it is then - leggins in galaxy!
(and my old Doctor Who t-shirt)

P.S. I love my oversized 3d glasses ^^


Itąs a TARDIS! ;D

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18:55 Yoshi 1 Comments

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ATTENTION ATTENTION. New things are coming!
I'm in half way to finish my friend's outfit I've mentioned in previous post. I didn't expect it to be such fun to make :)

The other glove. In each element of the costume I have to remember about the possible conditions - the heat, sun and rapid moves. The RPG will be in summer. That's why this one can barely be called a glove. Not much is left of it. :D At first it was supposed to be long, until elbow with case for a knife, but it would reduce moves. Not a very good idea for an armor of a warrior so I'll make it as two separated parts.

Next - kneeboard. Sorry for the loose ends, but I had to leave them so I can later adjust it to my friend's knee. I'm happy that's it's working and it's not hurting while bending leg. Looks pretty badass at life ;D
As you can see on the previous photo, I couldn't make it without spilled my own blood. Mounting studs is dangerous thing!

Aaaand... the lock I bought a few days ago in Łódź (my lovely family city) for a bag I'm going to make. I love how you can change it's character. It can be a steampunk lock or padlock-like. I'm so excited! I can't wait for finishing it already. :D


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22:54 Yoshi 0 Comments

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From the oldies: the secound dress I've made, my personal favourite and in the same time, profile picture. Also, far from the original project, but I already got used to it. Each one comes out completly different from the drawings I make before getting started. It has it's charm. Something like an element of suprise :D
There's only one picture and I would like to explain quickly why - the front of it is simple and classy. It's the back you should focus one. It's the back which was the FREAKING PROBLEMATIC.
But I still love it. Doesn't matter what I would say ;)


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19:23 Yoshi 0 Comments

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The easiest thing to make to give your wardrobe something handmade - a painted t-shirt.
There are plenty of DIY videos on youtube so you can see with your own eyes it's not difficult at all. And once you make your t-shirt, you'll find out that there are no borders! Freestyle is highly recommended! Show your intrests and talents on simple piece of cotton (with addition of elastane, if needed).

Pure fun.

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21:32 Yoshi 0 Comments

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19:02 Yoshi 0 Comments

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First dress I made. It's not perfect, I can hardly say it's good. A lot of complications appeared meanwhile sewing so the final product is far, FAR from original design.

I fell in love with this orange cotton fabric at first sight. And though I'm not a very big fan of bright, crazy colours, I'm quite satisfied how it looks with black.

It was inspired by dress in 'Pattern Magic' by Tomoko Nakamichi, amazing japanese designer. She showed me things I've never imagined are possible to make. For sure I'll try her ideas in my future designes.

These are just some of her patterns. Check out more of them!

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19:23 Yoshi 1 Comments

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Hello everyone!

Here comes my first handmade accessory. Well... It's more like make-over of my old leather glove, but still.

It wasn't that hard to make. It took me around 20 min (believe me, it's not THAT long, sewing takes usually few days + at least a day for shopping). It wasn't expensive either. In fact, each one of you can make it, even if you don't have a sewing machine at home. The only thing you might have to buy are pincers to jewelry.

I love how it turned out in a rock-y style. Right now, I'm in love with punk, rock and everything related to leather and spikes. You'll see a lot of them in my next designes ;)


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