Let's talk about t-shirts [X]
Please, remember that each photo can be enlarged by clicking on it.
Finally a title!A few people know that I started my adventure with designing clothes with simple t-shirts. I'm doing this for a 4 years now (JESUS! O.O).
Brace yourself. Long post is coming.
[I will start with the oldest; descriptions go for each picture starting from left]
I) It's the second t-shirt I made (first is probably given away already. Why? only two words - MY MOM). It's not pretty, back isn't very well designed, but I have a bit sentiment for it. I have no idea why. It's probably the same reason I won't throw away my old teddy bears. I started cutting my clothes from t-shirts (oh, dear Kat von D's tutorial, I still remember you, word by word...), I was learning how to do it properly on them and, damn, they are somehow part of my portfolio!
This one stayes with me!
II) The thing I like about t-shirts is how much you can say through them. Sometimes you can 'wink' to your friends, give them an inside joke - like this one...
III) ... play with people minds...
[Actually, I came up with this project while I was fighting this annoying advertisement testing your brain with circles and squars etc. Apparently, you can find inspiration literally EVERYWHERE]
IV) ... make people smile...
[when you're 1.80 tall and call yourself 'a hobbit']
V) ... and, my favourite, show your interests. It's priceless when you see a person in subway, reading your t-shirt and then smiling. You smile back and suddenly feel bond with this stranger. Magical. Even if he or she later walk away.
I think I don't need to explain much under this t-shirt. Doctor who. 10th doctor played by amazing, one and only, David Tennant. <3
VI) This one is a little experiment. As all t-shirts above and under this one are painted, this one is PRINTED. The only work I did here was designing the logo which you can find here.
If you still don't know what it is about, here's a little help.
There was only one person who knew what Holyhead Harpies were, only one in my school. As soon as th guy asked 'is it a quidditch team' I wanted to give him a suprise hug. It's really rare to meet people who read and actually PAY ATTENTION what they read. I wish I could meet more of them.
VII) What time is it?
VIII) ...Cartoon I'm obsessed with lately. It's so weird and inappropriate for kids that you start to wonder how is it possible that they let something like this play on cartoon network. Sometimes it really freaks me out...
I just love it. <3
[the design of blue t-shirt isn't mine. I googled it ^^]
IX) Not much to say here. I made the text without sample, cutting was wild and crazy... I just love this one. It's so... ME.
In the end, I wanted to thank my sweet model, Donna, who was my dear companion for a year now. :)
What about the "Do not touch" one? Absolute favourite of mine :3