Disclaimer: I won't dare to say that it is my design but it also isn't an exact copy of the coat from 'The Wraith' Collection F//W 12 by ODD. It is strongly inspired but still - different.

This is what I call Random Child.
It's not for a particular time of a year and if I even wanted to, I wouldn't be able to sew another one. (Not to mention my mother has already annouced she will never ever agree to take a part in similar project again)
Mixing two completly different fabrics (or to be exact - a fabric and a knitwear) caused a lot of problems with sewing and forced many changes in pattern. The pattern itself was just a mixture of Red Riding Hood costume and my intuition. Even wearing it is a problem sometimes as the knitwear tends to get hooked by buckles of my backpack, but still I am very satisfied with the result.
It is dark and it's big - I can wrap it around myself at least twice; the hood is huge and I've managed to freak out quite a few people at night by looking like a Nazgul from The Lord of The Rings movie.
But it's one of a kind and I am loving it with my whole hairy heart.

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