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*fog rises* *creepy music* IT'S ALIIIIIVEEEEE
After a really long time I'm back to reactivate my babeeey with much better photo quality and, hopefully, more systematic posts. I haven't been doing nothing when I was gone so I have quite a lot of stuff to show you! They most likely won't be in chronological order, but you don't mind do you?
I will do my best to post every Saturday from now on so keep an eye out for new from me.
I've mentioned before that I have quite an affection for Kat von D, her talent for tattooing portraits as well as her style. It was Kat that introduced me to a rather macabre concept of victorian mourning jewerly (origins are noted around 1600s in England). It does seem creepy beyond comprehenion for most people I've talked to, but for me it has a certain charm in it's simple and very human reason of existence: "People started making memorial jewelry because there was no
photography, and if your loved one died you wanted something as a
touchstone to remember them every day.*" said Erica Weiner, collector of mourning jewerly from New York.
I was so enchanted with the idea that I decided to create one of my own.
A simple pendant made out of my friend's hair who volunteered to send me some after changing his hairstyle. I won't lie, it was quite a pain to tame the hair into a certain form, even such a simple one. I failed miserably when I tried for the first time, the above is what I've managed to do after. It was hard enough to make me think how did they do it originally, without an instant glue. Although you can probably see a ton of flaws even in the pictures, I'm quite happy with the result. I don't wear it too often as it is causing a lot of controversy.

Even simpler piece, but far more personal. It is a small locket with a lock of my friend's hair which I got as a present for my 18th birthday. It is a very intimate thing to give and can be perceived even as dangerous, knowing that person's hair is an important ingredient in curses and such. The pendant is a kind of talisman which I wear when I have a worse day once a while. Knowing that Julia is with me in one way or another does make thing a bit better. (cheeeeeseeeyy)
If you want to find out more about mourning jewerly, check out Kat von D's video
article I quoted* or just Google it. Worth it!
Cheers! x!
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