ATD goes on facebook!

19:56 Yoshi 0 Comments

            In first words, I'll say that I haven't made absolutely nothing in this whole time. I'm sorry. Not like I'm-apologising-to-you, more like I-pity-myself-that-I'm-so-lazy. 

            BUT, I didn't start this post with intention to talk about nothing. I started a page on facebook, something like a online shop where you can buy my t-shirts (I'm also planning to make some jewellery-stuff so stay focus!). The page is pretty blank now (I'm lying and dying, because I'm sick again and also school started so I don't have so much free time that I used to :<) but I promise it will change soon (at least I hope so...). I also must warn that it will be in Polish (I really don't think that there any english speaking viewer here, but just in case (and my english practising ;)), I'll keep blogging this way), but if you want to order a t-shirt (even if it's you're own project) and you're not from Poland, there's absolutely no problem in messaging me in english!

So here's the adress of the page, I hope to see you there, but don't forget to check this blog for updates! ;)

            Cheers, bunnies!

P.S. Check out my deviantart for more of my works, not fashion-related

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